How to COIL – How to Design Collaborative Online Courses with International Colleagues
This 90-minute online course provides an introduction to the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) approach and outlines how you can incorporate online international collaboration into your courses. To illustrate this concept we have invited Dr. Ruth Tobias from the FU Berlin, who will tell us about her COIL on “What Do You Mean?”: Experiencing Culture […]
Virtual BeCOIL Meetup on April 10th
Prof. Dr. Bianka Lichtenberger (University of Applied Sciences UAS of the Grisons) will kick off this 60-minute discussion session by reflecting on her experience in Blended Learning International Collaboration (BLIC) as well as offer insights into research on the learning outcomes and effectiveness of international collaboration. The floor will then be opened for an exchange […]
Hybrid COIL´DE Bar Camp
Join our hybrid event to connect, collaborate, and contribute to the advancement of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) in Germany and abroad. A Bar Camp is a participant-driven event for collaborative discussions and activities based on attendees’ interests. There is no preset agenda, you co-create the event! In order to account for different time zones, […]
Virtual BeCOIL Meetup
Prof. Birgit Felden (HWR Berlin) will kick off this 60-minute discussion session by reflecting on the numerous COIL and BIP projects she has initiated with US and European partners as part of the “Entrepreneurship and Business Succession” degree programme. The floor will then be opened for an exchange of ideas and questions. Seasoned COIL practitioners […]
Virtual BeCOIL brown bag session
At the beginning of this 60-minute exchange session, Zehra Koyuncu from HTW Berlin presents the COIL “Businet Law Game“ which has been conducted by Prof. Dr. Michael Jaensch for several years. The event will be moderated by project coordinators from the BeCOIL team, which is represented at nine universities in Berlin. Julia Kröcher from the […]
How to COIL – How to Design Collaborative Online Courses with International Colleagues
This 90-minute online course provides an introduction to the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) approach and outlines how you can incorporate digital and international elements into your teaching. This time we’ve invited Ana Carolina Vázquez Naranjo from the Tec de Monterrey (Mexico), who has carried out numerous COILs and who will present a real-life example of COIL. […]
Virtual BeCOIL brown bag session on 08.12. from 12:30 -13:30
At the beginning of this 60-minute exchange session, Prof. Dr. Antje Wilton-Franklin from the FU Berlin will give a keynote speech about her COIL course on Language and Ecology. Afterwards, you can exchange ideas with other Berlin teachers on the topic of COIL and develop plans for COIL courses. The event will be moderated by […]
How to COIL – How to Design Collaborative Online Courses with International Colleagues
This 90-minute online course provides an introduction to the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) approach and outlines how you can incorporate digital and international elements into your teaching. BeCOIL and the Berlin Centre for Higher Education (BZHL) will jointly organise the event. Online-event, Thursday, November 16. 2023, 11 am to 12:30 pm Registration and more information
COIL-Begleitprogramm: Interkulturelles Training für Studierende
Im Rahmen des BeCOIL-Verbundprojekts bieten wir für Studierende, die aktuell einen COIL-Kurs (Collaborative Online International Learning) besuchen, oder generell an einem internationalen Austausch im Rahmen ihres Studiums interessiert sind, ein COIL-Begleitprogramm an. Als Lehrende von COIL-Kursen können Sie dieses kostenlose Angebot gerne mit Ihren Studierenden teilen. Wir starten am 2. November von 16:15 bis 17:45 […]
Virtuelle BeCOIL-Teeküche am 05.10.23 von 12-13 Uhr
Digitalisierung im Bereich der Lehre bietet viele Möglichkeiten, um gemeinsam mit internationalen Dozierenden einzelne Lehreinheiten oder einen gesamten Kurs zu gestalten. Hier fällt häufig der Begriff COIL. Dieser steht für Collaborative Online International Learning. Zu Beginn dieser 60-minütigen Austauschrunde hält Prof. Dr. Stephanie Swartz von der HS Mainz einen Impulsvortrag über ihre Erfahrung mit COIL-Projekten. […]