How to COIL – How to Design Collaborative Online Courses with International Colleagues

This 90-minute online course provides an introduction to the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) approach and outlines how you can incorporate digital and international elements into your teaching. This time we’ve invited Ana Carolina Vázquez Naranjo from the Tec de Monterrey (Mexico), who has carried out numerous COILs and who will present a real-life example of COIL.  […]

How to COIL – How to Design Collaborative Online Courses with International Colleagues

This 90-minute online course provides an introduction to the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) approach and outlines how you can incorporate digital and international elements into your teaching. BeCOIL and the Berlin Centre for Higher Education (BZHL) will jointly organise the event. Online-event, Thursday, November 16. 2023, 11 am to 12:30 pm Registration and more information

Lunchtalks Hybride Lehre am 30.08 und 13.09: Didaktische Ansätze für Hybrides Lehren und Lernen

Aus dem Verbundprojekt Berliner Netzwerk Hybride Lehre Am Mittwoch, den 30.08.2023, 13:00-13:55 Uhr werden in zwei kurzen Impulsen didaktische Ansätze für die hybride Lehre vorgestellt. Sie erfahren mehr über die Konzepte Humanizing Online Lehre und Gestaltung von Gruppenarbeiten in hybriden Settings. Am Mittwoch 13.09., 13:00-13:55 wird die Reihe fortgesetzt mit einer Diskussion zur Wahl des geeigneten Lehrformats, in deren Verlauf […]

OEB – Online Educa Berlin 2023

The 29th Annual Global, Cross-Sector Conference and Exhibition on Digital Learning and Training, 22nd – 24th of November, Berlin, Germany Overall 2023 Theme: The Learning Futures We Choose. “Will we decide the future we want for ourselves? Or will we be pushed into a dystopian system in which we have no say? Will we shape […]

EAIE Rotterdam 2023

European Association for International Education, 26th – 29th of September 2023, Rotterdam, the Netherlands The EAIE is the European centre for expertise, networking and resources in the internationalisation of higher education. The EAIE is a non-profit, member-led organisation serving individuals actively involved in the internationalisation of their institutions. The 33rd Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition theme […]

ICL2023 – International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning

“Towards a Hybrid, Flexible and Socially Engaged Higher Education” from 26th – 29th of September 2023, Madrid, Spain The ICL 2023 combines two conferences in one: the 26th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning and the 52nd IGIP International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy. This interdisciplinary conference aims to focus on the exchange of relevant trends and research […]

HOW TO COIL: Wie gestalte ich kollaborative Online-Lehrveranstaltungen mit internationalen Kolleg*innen​​​​​​​?

Unsere erste Informations- und Vorbereitungsveranstaltung zu COIL für interessierte Lehrende Berliner Hochschulen in Zusammenarbeit mit dem BZHL. In diesem 90-minütigen Online-Kurs erfahren Sie, was sich hinter dem COIL-Ansatz verbirgt und wie Sie Ihre Lehre auf niedrigschwellige und flexible Art und Weise digitalisieren und internationalisieren können. Online-Veranstaltung, Montag, 19.06.2023, 12:30 Uhr – 14 Uhr Anmeldung und […]

TURN Conference 2023

Prototyp Zukunft – Köln, 13.-15.09.2023 Die TURN Conference ist eine von der Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre (StIL) initiierte Tagungsreihe, die 2022 in Kiel ihren Auftakt bestritten hat und nun in Köln in die zweite Runde geht. Sie ist ein jährlicher Austauschort zum Lehren und Lernen an Hochschulen. TURN steht dabei für Perspektivwechsel, Mut zur […]

IVEC Conference goes Sao Paulo

IVEC is the largest and most prominent event on Virtual Exchange, providing a forum for instructors, administrators, instructional designers, and educational leaders from institutions around the world interested in technology, international education, and new pedagogies. Virtual Exchange (also known as Collaborative Online International Learning – COIL, Globally Networked Learning, or Telecollaboration) extends authentic opportunities for […]

Internationalisation at Home: Organising and facilitating COIL projects that maximise students international and intercultural learning

Online course @ TU Berlin, Date: Tue, 09.05.2023, 2.00pm – 4.00pm Almost all areas of study have international perspectives and diverse approaches that contribute to an opening up of perspectives and ways of thinking. Offering COIL activities of various lengths and manners to students in an international and intercultural class engages them in active and […]