Teaching The Teacher: A COIL Workshop Series

Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and University of Nairobi Dept. of Public and Global Health
"Be brave and simply do it! Learning by doing!"

Students involved: Teachers (and students): 3 and 0 Charité; 5 and 10 UoN and 2 others

Professors involved: Dr. med. Marwa Schumann

Tools used:  Zoom

In this series, teachers from the Charité and from the University of Nairobi will meet and work together on educational issues. A workshop will take place once per semester, i.e. twice a year. It will take place online and last two hours. First part: How to build your curriculum in the Health Professions Education (HPE) – In this COIL workshop series in November 2023, you will learn about the six steps of curriculum development and apply them to your own context through a collaborative online international learning experience. Second in May 2024: Cultural competence in the Health Professions Education (HPE) – In this COIL workshop series, you will learn about cultural competence and why this is important in the Health Professions Education (HPE). By the end oft he workshop you should be able to – Define culture, identity and culture iceberg – Explain models and theories of cultural competence – Apply the cultural dimensions model to your own setting – Reflect on teaching and assessment strategies of cultural competence – Reflect on implicit bias in health professions As students and teachers beeing part of an exchange between Nairobi and Berlin will be the best practice to get into this topic. – The next one will be in November 2024 and about your professional identity in the HPE.